Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Beat this home Entertainment system

I have my Home entertainment set up as follows:
(After a lot of effor and time and Mullah)

It is like this:

  • XFX6600gt(2monitor_one SVideo out)
  • Pixelview Play TV Pro(VideoIN+SVideoIN)
  • Pinnacle PCTV 50i
  • 54"TV(VideoIN+SVideoIN)
  • PHIlips DVD Player(DIVX+MPEG+MP3VBR... basically the Play anything model)
  • Phillips HTS3000 5.1 Speaker setup, recommended becuase of inbuilt FM and 3 Audio In(2x5.1 and 1 stereo) that can be switched via its remote)
  • Logitech Rumblepad 2 wirelss gamepad
  • A8NSLI Onboard Sound
  • Creative sound Blaster PCI64(dedicated for Voice chat/phone)
  • Desi Wireless Headset

  • Logitech s510 Media Remote(Wireless MEdia Keyboard+Wireless mouse+Media remote)
  • TV Remote
  • Pixelview Tuner Remote
  • Pinnacle Tuner Remote
  • Philips DVD Player Remote
  • Philips HTS3000 SOund System remote
  • FM Based Headset for wireless sound and phonecalls

  • Windows Media Player 11
  • Pixelview TV Pro
  • Pinnacle Media Center
  • Logitech MEdiaLife(Super good alternative to Windows media center)+Setpoint
  • Logitech Wingman gaming software(for controlling mouse/keystrokes etc with gamepad)
  • Voice Chat software(like gtalk/yahoo)
  • Musicmatch
  • Winamp (will add more compatible software later)

Video Connections:
  • Both monitors connected to the two Monitor Out of GFX card(One for computing other for watching TV/DVD/MOVIE/MUSIC PLAYLIST/H/W MOnitor
  • SVideoOUT of GFT to SVideo IN of TVTUNER and Svideo IN of TV(I made the cable at home, just two out connectors connected in parallel)
  • DVDPlayer VideoOUT to VideoIN of TVTUNER and TV VideoIN in Paraller)again home made)
  • Control is super easy with Wireless Mouse/Keyword+logitech remote+TV Remote+Tuner Remote

Audio Connections:

  • 5.1 Out from DVD player to HTS 3000
  • 5.1 out from A8N-SLI Prem mobo to HTS3000 AMPlifier
  • 2 channel audio of Tuner to Line IN of Mobo
  • 2 Channel Audio of TV to AuX2 IN of mobo
  • Audio In/Out between Creative PCI64 and Wireless HEadset reciever/transmitter
Other Connections:
  • Cable IN to TV and TV Tuner
  • Phone in from pole>UPS SpikeBuster>BSNL SmartAX MT841 Wifi Router Broadband ADSL modem>PHONE IN of Wireless Reviever base
  • A Scary wiring setup for power/speaker/phone/cable/lan. so scary that there is more wire on walls then paint and my Mom's Maid refuses to enter to clean the room. will be working on tidying up the wiring soon.
Everyting can be seen/heard/captured everywere in any combination!!!

Plus i have my compaq laptop (based on V2000 series) with wifi for that special mobility around my house. This Setup kicks ass (to be modest) be it Saving Private Ryan or F.E.A.R or FiFa 2006 on TV via the rumbelling gamepad or NFS or Star movies or recording Emenim videos or Fear Factor or Gulam Ali or friend in Australia.. complete with a broad sofa set in the center.(or even the most imp part is switch of everything without getting up from the sofa/bet

There is a problem though. I keep a basket to put in all the remotes and wireless mice so that i dont lose it and sometimes i loose my mobile phone in that basket or one of those times when the mobile rings and i put one of the remotes to my ear. :-)

I am thinking of adding a 10 channel DJ TurnTable later...
LOL Dont CHoke it's just a JOke!!!

What do u think? Everything here is based on usability and economy not like OOOhhhh 10000Watts of blow-ur-cloths-of-in-a-beat speaker system or the one lacs rs Plasma screen or Damn quake@ 5000FPS...

BTW the PC config: AMD64 3000+(OC 2.6GHZ@1.475v + A8N SLI Premium(1009.11) + 1 GB Hynex DDR400 RAM in dual channel + XFX 6600GT 256MB + 2x160GB SATA RAID-0(nRAID) + 80GB PATA Seagate Barracuda + LG CDROM + LG DVDROM + Samsung DVDRW 16x + Creative PCI64+PCI WIFI 54mbps card + two chassis fan+500W Odyssee PSU.